Decree 72/2019, of 4 July, of Galicia (D.O.G. No. 128, of 8 July)

This is a translation of a text that was written Spanish. In case of discrepancies, the original Spanish text will prevail.

Decree 72/2019, of 4 July, of Galicia 
(D.O.G. No. 128, of 8 July) which approves measures regarding the planning of authorisations for the establishment of gambling facilities and betting shops in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.

As a result of a growing concern about the rapid increase in the number of gambling facilities and betting shops, the Galician Government has adopted several guidelines regarding the restrictions imposed on such establishments:


  • To not grant any new authorisations for such types of establishments by means of a special agreement which was approved on 16th May and immediately came into force.
  • The inclusion of these restrictions in a regulatory standard governing Planning measures.
  • The inclusion of measures in the Draft of the new Gambling Law that is being negotiated.

As announced in the previously approved Agreement, this Decree has been passed and includes the following planning measures:

  1. There can be a maximum of 118 authorisations for the establishment of gambling facilities, which cannot be increased. It can however be decreased when, after having reached this number, existing authorisations are annulled.
  2. There can be a maximum of 41 authorisations for the establishment of betting shops, which cannot be increased. It can however be decreased when, after having reached this number, existing authorisations are annulled.

Applications pending on the date on which the new rules come into force – once approved – will be governed by this new restriction. They must also be processed strictly in order of submission number, as it appears that the number of applications exceeds the maximum number of authorisations available. Once the maximum number of authorisations has been granted, all remaining applications will be rejected.

As regards the times to apply the planning measures, they refer to the Agreement made by the Galician Council [Consello] that is to the date which is nine months after such Agreement (on 20th February 2010), provided that the new Gambling Law has not come into force.

This Decree came into force on 8th July 2019.


The Spanish Supreme Court issued ruling 527/2024 today, which nullifies several key articles of the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications.

The Spanish Supreme Court issued ruling 527/2024 today, which nullifies several key articles of the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications.

The Spanish Supreme Court issued ruling 527/2024 today, which nullifies several key articles of the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications.


ICLG Report on Gambling in the World 2025 for Spain

The Spanish Supreme Court issued ruling 527/2024 today, which nullifies several key articles of the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications.

The Spanish Supreme Court issued ruling 527/2024 today, which nullifies several key articles of the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications.


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