Following the 6th of July Agreement signed by the Portuguese, Italian, French and Spanish gaming Authorities the Spanish Authority (DGOJ) has published a draft resolution that executes such Agreement designing a technical system that enables the implementation of international shared liquidity.
The draft resolution establishes, among others, the following requisites and obligations for the online poker operators who wish to profit from international shared liquidity:
- The technical system would have to be duly homologated following a “substantial change” process and amendment of the specific rules of the game (for current online poker licensees, only four to date).
- The information given to players registered in a Spanish web page will have to be in Spanish.
- The information shared with the DGOJ will have to be referred to the official time in Spain.
- Record keeping of all the registries and logs of all the transactions taken place among the player/s registered in a Spanish web page and the other player/s registered in foreign webpages.
- Guarantee players participate with one sole identity.
- Other reporting technical requirements.
This resolution will amend technical specifications which will also be applicable to other online gaming verticals if the DGOJ expressly authorizes it in the future.
Public information period finalizes October 1st, 2017, before then any interested parties may submit comments or observations to the draft resolution.
Patricia Lalanda Ordóñez
Loyra Abogados y Asesores
1st August, 2017